Monday, March 17, 2008

Weighing In #6

I don't even know where to start... I didn't lose anything this week. I gained 3 pounds. It's time to make some major adjustments to the plan. I'm going to start following the Weight Watchers Flex program again. I will be using the old system since that's the information I have. I will begin this week with 24 daily allowance points and a weekly allowance of 35 points. Hopefully this will did last year.

Now for the exercise, I probably got more exercise in the past week than I had in previous weeks. I didn't meet my goal of walking 15 miles. I did come close - I had 12 miles. Had I walked on the treadmill last night, I would have made it. But I cleaned the house and got stuff ready for Veterans to pick up on Thursday. I need a new plan in the exercise category too. Let's see... I think I will shoot for 12 miles on my treadmill, 3 - 2 mile segments on the elliptical (YMCA), strength training 2 nights, hand weights/stability ball 3 nights. It's kind of an odd schedule but the boys have doctor appointments this afternoon and tomorrow afternoon so going to the YMCA will be harder since we probably won't make it out of the doctor's office either night by 5-5:30.

A goal for weight loss...2 pounds. I would really like to set this higher but I don't want to be totally disappointed next Monday and give up completely.

Any suggestions? I have given up on Tim Horton's Iced Cappucinos for a while too. But I don't think that was the cause of the weight gain. I drank them everyday last year when I lost 40 pounds.

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