Friday, May 30, 2008

Fitness on Friday - 5/30/2008

It’s Fitness on Friday! On Wednesday, I did report a 1 pound weight loss. I met my first goal this week – 15 pounds!! As a reward, I am getting my haircut and just in time for vacation! My mother is even paying for it! Hooray! As this reward passes, I am looking forward to my other goals.
15 pounds – haircut – MAY 28, 2008!
25 pounds – outfit - I WILL hit this goal by August 2nd (my fiancé’s 30th class reunion)
35 pounds - massage (for passing the halfway mark)
45 pounds – outfit & dinner date w/my fiancé)
55 pounds - hair highlighted, new cut, and make-over
60 pounds - weekend trip without kids

I haven’t been working out as much as I would like. After the trauma over buying a new bathing suit, I am going to stay focused. I don’t want to spend all summer in a cover up (because I had to purchase a 2 piece bathing suit). I will jiggle my fat until it falls off, if that’s what it takes. I did start the Couch to 5K program and love it! I have been able to keep up with the program and finish each session without needing an oxygen tank to do so.

What’s my plan?!? To stay focused and squeeze in a workout anyway I can, even if it’s 10 minutes. I have a busy week ahead of me. This time next week, we will be on the road to Myrtle Beach. That will be a real challenge for me. I’ve actually planned ahead as much as I can. Planning ahead is a key to weight loss! I’ve also been trying to find products that can fit into my diet. You can read two of my posts about what I have found here and here.

My tip for today…cut 5 things from your regular diet!
*No more sugar
*Cut oils
*Say “NO” to fried
*Minus the mayo
*Boost the fiber

I hope everyone else had a great weight loss week. If not, don’t let it get you down. Get up and get moving, drop the fries, dumb the soda…whatever it is that has you off track – change it now!

That’s it from me…I have to go read how everyone else did this week. You can to by visiting Bye Bye Fat Mom!


Anonymous said...

GREAT rewards!! I am hoping to get a new dress when I meet my final goal :)

Feeling better has been a huge plus for me!

Have you tried Fiber One products? They are jam packed with fiber, and YUMMY! My faves are the chocolate and oats bars for 2 points and the Caramel cereal for 4 points w/lowfat milk! The bars totally get me through my chocolate cravings (inevitable cravings for me), I have one nearly every day :)

I buy them at Walmart!

Rhonda said...

I love that you are rewarding yourself with each goal you accomplish. Very good!! I'm going to try to dump the soda this's my downfall. Diet or not, it's loves to drag me down.
Hope you have a great week!

Natalie said...

Congrats on that 15 pound mark!