Friday, May 23, 2008

Day 103, Food and Exercise Log

The carpet cleaning crew is coming later this afternoon so I have been very busy getting things cleaned up, picked up and moved out of the way. I'm hoping they come early enough that I can spend some time rearranging the family room before the kids come home.

I'm also going to the fitness classes @10 and 11 this morning. I'm really looking forward to them. Lunch is ready and dinner will be put in when I return from the fitness center. I'm a little ahead of schedule (for once!).

UPDATE: The fitness center's schedule had changed for Friday's. They now have Body Sculpting and it was nearly over when I got there. In June, they will not host Friday fitness classes. Glad to know that ahead of time.

Daily Point Allowance: 24
Weekly Point Allowance: 31

Tim Horton's Iced Cappucino (made with white milk) (4 points)
Banana (a piece) (1 point)

Deli Fresh Turkey Sandwich with Kroger Pepper Jack cheese on a Pita, Flip Tops (8 points)

Crockpot Cheeseburgers (8 points)

2.08 miles/300 calories on elliptical

Daily Points Used: 21
Weekly Points Used: 0

Overall thought: Really not a bad day for being at home by myself...LOL. I could have ate anything and everything - my family wouldn't have known. I was a little disappointed in my workout. I had BIG plans to hit the fitness classes but their online schedule was outdated even though it had May 2008. Oh well....

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