Friday, October 10, 2008

Fat Ticker Friday - 10/10/08

Guess who's going to be Hot for the Holidays? Hopefully me!! I lost another 2 pounds this week! I didn't workout this week. I don't have an excuse why I didn't. I did this morning though. I did 23 minutes/2 miles on the treadmill - burning 300 calories. I still need to do some work on my eating/food choices. I found some new recipes that I will be trying next week in my Menu Plan Monday. Even though I lost 2 pounds this week my food choices weren't the best. I didn't hit any of my goals from last week so I'll be carrying those goals over to this week plus one new one. I found another place that offers fitness classes besides the YMCA so I'm going to attend at least one class this week. Soccer could end tomorrow (with the exception of the state tournament), if that's the case, I will be working out even more...we'll see.

My goals for this week:
1. Eat healthier - watch fat intake.
2. Lose 3 pounds!
3. Workout 3 days for at least 30 minutes.
4. Walk to get son from school at least 3 days (weather permitting). Save gas - lose pounds!!
5. Attend one fitness class - Turbo Kick, Zumba, Yoga Booty Pilates...

Visit Baby Tea Leaves to see how others are doing or to join in on the fun.


Andrea @ Mommy said...

Great job! You are gonna be soooo hto for the holidays - even if you are a cartoon on here :-)

Michelle said...

Congrats!! 2 pounds is GREAT! It's so exciting to see the scale go isn't it?

Laura said...

congrats on the loss! that is great.

Christie O. said...

congratulations on the 2 pound loss! wow!!! and i LOVE the new look, it's awesome!!! i am glad you like it!!