Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Weigh In Wednesday - 2/25/09

I am so disappointed! I really thought that I would see a weight loss this week when I stepped on the scale. Nope! I had a .4 lb weight gain. I know it's not a lot but I worked really hard this week. I did my 30-60 minutes of exercise which was my goal for the week. But I also watched what I ate and didn't over do it. I guess there's always next week...

This week I really focused on my workouts. I did 60 minutes on the treadmill every night except for Monday. Monday was a little busy but I did get 30 minutes of exercise in. This exercise is on top of the crunches on the stability ball, strength training and other activities that burn calories like chasing kids and cleaning the house. My ending totals for the treadmill this week was: 6 hours and 6 minutes, 26.366 miles and 4312 calories burned.

My goal this week is to make sure the 30-60 minutes of exercise is still getting done daily. I'm hoping to have lost 2 lbs by the time I get on the scale next week. I'm going to make sure to document in my food journal every bite - everyday. I'll find the reason that I'm not dropping the pounds!

How are you doing on your weight loss/fitness goals? Did you make a resolution/goal for 2009 to lose weight? What are you doing to lose the weight?

Goal 12/31/09 56.2
2009 Weight Loss-to-date .4


The Fat Dietitian said...

Frustrating! I haven't been as diligent about my exercising and it has shown in my weight loss (or rather lack thereof)... TGIW

MyShelly said...

Good luck and stick with it! I am a lifetime member of weight watchers and love it. Have you tried them online?
I lost 1 lb this week but, I wasn't trying. After loosing 40 pounds I am at the 'maintaining' stage.