There was a sign in the shoe department for additional 50% off clearance. I went on a search for these shoes. I found the empty box...the shoes were mixed in with the regular priced mens shoes. I probably had the security cameras following as I searched for them. I found them, checked out and then went back for groceries. It was only good through Saturday but since the sign was still hanging I got them for an additional 50% off.

Total OOP: $18.71 -- saved $52.50!
I picked up items from the Meijer Dollar Deals - buy 10 get 11th FREE as well as the eggs and bread that I went in to get. Lysol was cheaper at Meijer than Walgreens so I picked up a few bottles. A bag of my Quaker Rice Cakes are missing from the picture...I was hungry! The cookies would not have been bought had my youngest son not tagged along. Taking him cost me and extra $1.79!

Total OOP: $15.78 -- saved $30.75
I also saved on my prescriptions. I don't have pictures. I was given a prescription for Motrin 600mg and Vicodin when I had my tooth pulled. I didn't have to have them filled because I kept my prescription from August when I had my other wisdom tooth pulled. So, it was NOTHING OOP on the prescriptions. I think I only took one last time and one this time and the previous prescription was written for 16.
I love those shoes! The problem for me is I would be tempted to buy workout clothes that match... :)
LOL...I had the workout clothes to match. I think that's why I really wanted them.
I'm hoping to get a pair of the new Under Armour ones when I run my first 5K (gift to myself).
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