Sunday, August 31, 2008
Walgreen's Photos - Only $.15 each

Saturday, August 30, 2008
The Deals I've Gotten...
A couple weeks ago our local newspaper had a church ad about FREE Produce on August 30th. I wasn't going to go to it but we were out and about so we stopped by the church. We got a bag of green beans, 8 apples, 6 pears, 8 potatoes, red tomatoes, yellow tomatoes, basil and 6 ears of corn on the cob. The cost NOTHING! Come to find out, this is the 2nd time they have done this and are planning on doing it again. So, watch your papers - you never know what freebies you might come across!!
Other than that, the only other shopping trips I've had was
Walmart - For packages of wipes and a gallon of ice cream, total OOP - $.74!!
JCPenny on the 19th to use a $10 off $10 purchase. Next time the coupon is in the paper again. I will pick up extras and plan a little better. I got the kids each a shirt for a total OOP of $4.34. I saved $26.12!!

My first grocery shopping trip in 5 weeks and I saved almost 50% on my shopping trip to Meijer and Kroger. Not bad when you think that the only thing I picked up for 5 weeks was bread, milk, juice, and buns!! We were completely out of meat which meant big bucks and little savings on those purchases. There were a lot of items that I purchased for my stockpile - something we eat that was at a good price! Plus, I have the TRY ME rebate that was on the box (here's a link to it too) on the Frosted Mini Wheats. (If you missed my post about them, you can read it here.) We even picked up 2 free backpacks that my youngest will use next year and possibly the year after (if he doesn't go through two next year).
Interested in more deals, check out Money Saving Mom's Super Savings Saturday.
Friday, August 29, 2008
Free Photo Book from Albelli

UPDATE 9/9: The code is still working; however, you now have to pay for shipping & handling which is running $5.99 and $6.99.
Have some pictures that you would like to have printed in a photo book? You can get a free medium sized photo book from Albelli. Install the program, open it and make a medium sized photo book. Upload 24 pictures to your book. It will cost extra if you want the title on your book or if you choose more than 24 photos. At the order screen, use code momspaceab81. This code is used for a free book and free shipping!!
I ordered mine this morning and got a message saying it would be delivered in 7 business days!
For more frugal ideas, head over to Biblical Womanhood.
Free Attune Wellness Bar

Fitness on Friday - 8/29/2008
Now that things have calmed down around here, I'm back for Fitness on Friday. This week I reported a one pound weight loss (read about it here). It's not much but I am happy with it.
Want to hear my tip for this week? Create a motivation board. Add things that would motivate you to lose weight.
Here's what I have on mine... My fiance and I would like to go to Montego Bay next year so I added the page out of the Sandals book. I loved the dress that JLo had on for her cover shoot for SELF. When I lose my weight, I will try to find one similar that fits my budget. Other than that, I include a before picture, the latest progress and a goal picture (I removed my pictures). I will add to it as I find things that I want to purchase or do - like adding a wedding dress (maybe soon, that's a different story though). This was very cheap and easy to make. It hangs right next to my desk so I see it everyday and anyone that walks in my family room sees it too. I have nothing to hide!

How do you stay motivated?
Visit Fitness on Friday's to see how others are doing and/or tips they have to offer.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Free Chick-fil-a on Labor Day

New Products - YUMMY!

Meijer has Yoplait yogurt on sale this week - 10 for $5 (save like I did by using this coupon). I picked up their new cake inspired flavors - strawberry shortcake, raspberry cheesecake, and pineapple upside-down cake.
Each of them are 2 Weight Watcher points. I picked up a few of each and have tried them. I'd have to say that my favorite is the pineapple upside-down cake.
Construction Ahead!!
Are you an ALL YOU Reality Checker?

Have you signed up to be an ALL YOU Reality Checker?
By signing up you will get articles, previews, tips and other special offers emailed directly to your Inbox. You could also get the opportunity to test new products.
I signed up a while back and got my first sampling opportunity to test a GE Energy Smart Daylight light bulb and provide feedback on the product. I'm really excited about this opportunity. Hopefully more will come my way.
If you are interested in signing up, click here. Nope, I don't get any incentives for having you sign up.Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Weigh In Wednesday #26
It’s time to start adding exercise. Now that the weather has cooled off, we have been walking to up to the school to get my older son (rather than drive). I’m going try to make time to go to the YMCA at least once a day. They have the television screens on the machines now (like the YMCA near my last job). So, that will get my moving. I also need to try to add a few classes. These will be easier to add in when my youngest son starts preschool in about a week and a half.
Even though this is the first weight loss I have reported in a while, I have to tell you that my clothes are fitting better. Not only better but I don't have the ring around the belly anymore. I think that was due to stress (work was VERY stressful). I was even wearing a Medium t-shirt yesterday (bottom pic) versus the Large/X-Large (top pic - May 2008) that I normally wear.

Wordless Wednesday - More Kittens
Works For Me Wednesday - Chicken Salad

Hidden Valley Light Ranch Dressing
salt and pepper (optional)
Open and drain the can of chicken. Put in bowl add two big squirts of Ranch dressing. Stir until well mixed. Add salt and pepper to taste. You can enjoy on crackers, bread or alone.
This is what works for me...simple and quick lunch/snack!! Go over to Rocks In My Dryer to find out what works for others!
School Supply Sales 8/24/08 - 8/30-08
School's back in session for us but I still like to keep an eye on the school supplies. We have to provide new school supplies every quarter. I'm pretty well stocked but there are a few things that look like good deals that I might try to pick up.
Office Max
OfficeMax Brand Filler Paper (College or Wide Ruled): $.20 (limit 3)
#2 pencils, 10 pk.: $.20 (limit 3)
Kids 5” scissors 2 pk: $.25 (limit 3)
Folder/portfolio 2-pocket portfolio: $.01 (limit 10)
SCHOOLIO VON HOOLIO 24 ct. crayons: $.01
PaperMate Pink Pearl erasers 3 pk.: $.50 (limit 3)
Free Instantly:
Staples Manual Pencil Sharpener (limit 3)
2 pocket paper folder (limit 10)
12 pk Staples cap erasers (limit 3)
4 pk. Staples clear glue sticks: $.25 (limit 3)
Staples binder 3-hole punch: $.25
1/2" or 1" simply plastic binder: $.25 (limit 8)
slider pencil case: $.05 (limit 2)
Office Depot
Swingline Tot Slim Stapler: Free after rebate ($2.99)
Vinyl Storage Pouch: $.20
Office Depot Brand 12" compass: $.50 (limit 5)
Sharpie Pocket Accent Assorted Highlighters 6pk: $.99 (limit 5)
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Enter to win $25 CVS gift card

Hurry over to The Savin' Maven to enter. All entries must be received by 11:59 p.m. August 29th, 2008. The drawing will be held Sunday, August 30th.
Monday, August 25, 2008
Menu Plan Monday - 8/25/2008

Here’s my plan for this week…
Monday: Salisbury Steak, rice, corn on the cob, crescent rolls
Tuesday: Grilled BBQ Pork Chops, Mashed potatoes, green beans
Thursday: Spaghetti & meatballs garlic breadsticks or meatball sandwiches (sandwiches for the adults)
Friday: Slow Cooker Chicken & Dumplings
Saturday: Homemade Pizza
Sunday: Cookout – hamburgers, hot dogs, brats, pasta salad, macaroni salad, potato salad, chips, fruit
Visit Organized Junkie for other menu plans.
Friday, August 22, 2008
Old Navy Jean Sale - Tomorrow ONLY!

$12 jeans include:
The womans jeans are folded on the wall regular $29.50 and are in styles.
The Diva
The Girlfriend
The Sweetheart
The mens jeans are folded on the wall regular $29.50 and are in styles..
Straight (regular)
$7 jeans include:
The girls jeans are folded on the wall also regular $19.50 and they are
The girlfriend
The darling
The boys jeans are also folded on the wall regular $19.50 and they come in styles...
Walgreen's $5 off $20 purchase - Good Today and Tomorrow only!
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Quick Update
Thursday, August 14, 2008
The tooth is gone...

Laid Off - Final Day!
The good -
I was at the point that I was very unhappy, almost miserable, with my job. I didn't really care for my co-workers cussing like sailors, belching like truckers, or sexual comments. So, I'm relieved that all that is behind me now. I felt more like a robot or a prisoner in a jail cell.
The bad -
Good friends! I will truly miss some of the people that I had become good friends with over the past years or months. Some of them had been there for me since the birth of my first son...the unexpectedly showed up in my hospital room the day after my delivery (it was great!).
Other than that, I can't say I will miss anything...or at least not until the end of the year when I am no longer receiving a paycheck!
I have applied at a company in the same area that I used to work (not the same company) but I haven't heard anything yet. It's been 10 days - should I send them a letter? Unfortunately, I do not know anyone that works for this employer to be able to put in a good word for me or to personally talk to the hiring manager. I wish I did. That's about the only job that I have found in the area. I live in the Dayton, OH area. There are no jobs...it's a dying city (according to Forbes). While some think this is untrue, I had talked to a recruiter earlier in the week. Their company had 5 jobs in Dayton, 60 in Columbus OH, and 80 in Cincinnati OH. Now tell me that Dayton, OH isn't a dying city!
Well, if you are local and know of any analyst jobs (preferably financial analyst - would like stay in the role that I am familiar with), let me know.
Weighing In #25
As expected, I did have a weight gain this week. I gained 3 pounds. I think it might have to do with all the ice cream and chocolate (aka my comfort foods) that I had this week. I think it would have been a lot worse had a not spent the whole day on Saturday walking.
Now that work is done (yep, I'm jobless), I am really going to focus on my health and weight loss. This week I will be focusing on getting on a schedule, not really documenting on my food and exercise logs. My oldest son starts school on Wednesday so I need to schedule my workouts around dropping him off at school and picking him up. The soccer games start next week too. I don't see things slowing down so a schedule is a much needed thing for me.
That's all I have about my weight loss (well, gain) for this week.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Quick Update
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Free Flowers - Good Neighbor Day - September 3!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Weighing In #24
Last week, I had mentioned getting up and walking in the morning. With the exception of the weekend, I am proud to report that I did that everyday! I started to slack off a little but the point is that I got up and walked. I’d have to say it sure helped my mood swings. I think I’ve been in a better mood in the mornings.
My goal for this week is to incorporate a few trips to the YMCA. This will be a little tough since we have the county fair this weekend. However, there are still 4 other days to go. My other goal is to add in at least 2 days of weight/strength training.
I still will not be focusing on my calories and fat intake since I am still working (or at least occupying a chair in the office). The food (point counting) will be added back to the formula next week. However, I will still continue to keep my food logs. It’s interesting to see how well I do without even focusing on the points.
Laid off – count down to my final day (7 working days to go)!
Today's like every other day has been lately - BORING! I haven't really done much with the exception of helping a few people out with Excel and Access problems. Other than that, I have been minding my own business.
How's the job hunting going? Well, I applied for 3 jobs yesterday. I realized last night that my resume on Monster was outdated so I updated that and had two emails in my inbox this morning. Good news but I don't want to have to drive an hour or longer to work so I don't I will actually accept a position with either company. I applied for one job this morning and am waiting for a job to be posted on a local company website (not sure what the delay is). Other than that, I really considering staying at home. The only downfall is after the first of the year I wouldn't have medical insurance (with 2 kids - I need it!).
Food and Exercise Log - 8/6/2008
Weekly Allowance Points - 35
Breakfast - Coffee (8 points) - mistakenly grabbed the bigger cup, Frosted Flakes (4 points)
Lunch - Sloppy Buffalo Joes (7 points), Yoplait Light Strawberry Shortcake Yogurt (2 points)
Daily Points Used: 21
Weekly Points Used: 0
4:45AM - 18:30 minutes/1 mile/185 calories walking on treadmill
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Tackle It Tuesday - Coupons

Laid off – count down to my final day (8 working days to go)!
Food and Exercise Log - 8/5/2008
Weekly Allowance Points - 18
Breakfast - Iced Coffee (4 points), Danish (10 points)
Snack - 3 snack size Mint 3 Musketeers (4 points)
Lunch - Smart Ones Pepperoni Pizza (8 points), Rice Pudding (2 points)
**I'm really not doing such a hot job on my points today. I guess I can look at it as having 45 points for today since this is the end of my week and points get refreshed tomorrow.
Dinner - Sloppy Buffalo Joes (7 points), Mashed Potato Skins (6 points)
Daily Points Used: 27
Weekly Points Used: 14
4:45AM - 18 minutes/1 mile/156 calories walking on treadmill
Monday, August 4, 2008
Laid off – count down to my final day (9 working days to go)!
Well, I was in late and now I'm leaving early. I love this work schedule. It's pretty unstressful!
Food and Exercise Log - 8/4/2008
Weekly Allowance Points: 23
Breakfast: Iced Coffee (4 points), Danish (10 points)
Lunch: Turkey and Cheese sandwich (4 points), Chocolate Sugar Free Pudding (1 point)
Dinner: Lasagna (13 points)
Daily Points Used: 27
Weekly Points used: 5
4:30AM - 33 minutes/277 calories/2 miles walking on treadmill
8PM - 100 crunches
CVS Coupon - $2/$10 purchase

Menu Plan Monday 8/4/2008

I still haven’t been to the grocery. It was a busy weekend and next weekend will be just as busy. We’ll be using up the ground beef and hamburger patties that we have in the freezer.
Monday - Lots O’Meat Lasagna, garlic breadsticks
Tuesday – Sloppy Buffalo Joes, Mashed Potato Skins
Wednesday – leftovers
Thursday – Cheeseburgers, fries, corn on the cob
Friday – County Fair all day – I’m not cooking!!
Saturday – County Fair and fiance’s birthday…We’ll have to see what happens
Sunday – Crock Pot Roast, Veggies
Food and Exercise Log - 8/3/2008
Weekly Allowance Points: 23
Breakfast: PB&J Sandwich (6 points)
Lunch: Pulled Pork Sandwich and Baked Ruffle Chips (7 points)
Dinner: 2 Soft Tacos (9 points)
Daily Points Used: 22
Weekly Points Used: 0
Exercise: walking
School Supply Sales 8/3/08 - 8/9/08
Staples 1-subject Wide Ruled spiral notebooks $.05 (6 pack $.30) (Limit 3 packs per customer) Staples Composition Notebooks $.25 (2 packs $.50) (Limit 3 per customer)
Staples Graphing Notebook $.50 (Limit 4 per customer)
Dollar Days $1 items – Fashion Pocket Plastic Folders, Sharpie Accent highlighters (6 pack), Staples Pink Wedge Erasers (3 pack), Wite-Out Quick Dry Correction Fluid, Dixon Ticonderoga yellow pencils (12 pack), Staples dome pencil sharpener
Dollar Days $2 items – 3-ring patterned pencil pouch, Staedtler student pencil compass
Dollar Days $4 items – Mesh dual-zipper pencil pouch, Paper Mate retractable gel pens – medium (4 pack)
Free after instant rebate: 2 Pocket Paper Folders (Limit 10 per customer)
Office Depot (each items is limited to 5 per customer, unless otherwise noted)
Office Depot Brand Slider Pencil Case $.01
Office Depot Brand 12” Wood Ruler $.01
Tug Pencil Sharpener $.01
Scholastic 16ct Crayons $.05
Office Depot Brand 2 pocket paper Folders $.05 (limit 20 per customer)
Paper Mate Write Bros BallPoint Stick Pens (10 pack) $.25
Bic BicMatic Grip Mechanical Pencils (5 pack) $.99
Free item w/purchase of $5 ID Photo - Child I.D. Kit
**If your Walgreens is out of the items you want, remember to ask for a rain check! There were a few items I was hoping to pick up yesterday but they were already sold out. I was able to get a few rain checks to be able to get these great deals later.
$.09 coupon deals – 10 pack No. 2 Yellow Pencils (limit 4), 10 Pack Paper Mate Pens (limit 2), 2 Pocket Folders (limit 5), 6 Pack Paper Mate Highlighters (limit 2)
$.19 coupon deals – Acco Paper Clips 100 Pack (limit 2), Ruler 12 in Wooden or Flexible (limit 4), Splash Mini Highlighter Pens (limit 5)
2/$1 Jumbo Glue Sticks
Expo Dry Erase Markers (4 pack) $1.99
Save up to $10 coupon (save $.50 per item – limit 20 items) – prices listed are after coupon.
$.09 items – White Posterboard, 2 pack Pink Erasers, 15 pack Cap Erasers
$.19 items – Corner Office 70 Pack Colored, 100 Pack Ruled or Plain Index Cards
$.29 items – Corner Office Legal Pads (50 sheets) (limit 2)
$.39 items – Filler paper – 130 sheet College Ruled, 150 sheet Wide or College Ruled
$.49 items – Penway 10 Pack Mechanical Pencils, Penway 8 pack Washable Markers, Penway Dual Hole Sharpener, Penway or Splash Poly Binder 1 in, Soho Clear School Box, Corner Office 4 pack Ball Point Pens, Corner Office 20 pack Stick Pens (Limit 10)
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Food and Exercise Log - 8/2/2008
Weekly Allowance Points: 23
Breakfast: Bacon & Egg Biscuit (7 points)
Lunch: 1/2 turkey sandwich (3 points)
Dinner: Chicken, Steamed Veggies, salad (11 points)
Daily Points Used: 21
Weekly Points Used: 0
Saturday, August 2, 2008
My Shopping Deals - Week of 7/26-8/2

Total OOP: $.06

Total OOP: $.71

Total OOP: $2.65

I still need to go to the grocery this weekend since I haven't been in a month and our meat supply is low. This is my fiance's reunion weekend so I'll try to squeeze it in at some point.
Friday, August 1, 2008
Fitness on Friday - 8/1/2008
It's Fitness on Friday again! On Wednesday, I did report a 1 pound weight loss (read about it and my “new” goals here). Basically, I’m taking a couple steps back. My weight loss lately hasn’t been that good (little to no weight loss). I’m going to concentrate on my workout more than what I eat right now. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not going to eat whatever I want and how ever much I want. It’s just not going to be my biggest concern right now. Once I am done working, I will incorporate the food part.
Over the past couple month, I will indicate that I had no exercise. Even though I don’t exercise (walk on treadmill, weights, elliptical), I am usually doing something – housework! So am I still burning calories? You bet! Maybe not as many as I would like but at least it’s something. Want to know what your calorie burn is? Check out this website. You enter your weight and the minutes of the activity...it calculates the calories burned.
Maybe houseworks isn't as bad as I thought!
Food and Exercise Log - 8/1/2008
Weekly Allowance Points: 27
Breakfast: Tim Horton's Iced Cappucino (made with white milk) (4 points), Fruity Cheerios (4 points)
Lunch: Turkey and Cheese sandwich (4 points)
Dinner: BLT Chicken Salad (19 points)
Daily Points Used: 27
Weekly Points Used: 4
4:30AM - 2 miles/272 calories/33 minutes walking on treadmill
Laid off – count down to my final day (10 working days to go)!
What am I doing today? Well...job hunting and researching careers. I don't know what I want to be when I grow up so it's making it really hard. Are you supposed to know by the time you turn 30? Because I don't! Other than that, I was assigned a project yesterday that I don't feel like working on...maybe this afternoon I'll give it a little thought.
UPDATE: Shortly after typing this post, I got a call from the daycare. I had to go get my younger son. He was complaining that his tummy hurt. So, the afternoon wasn't spent thinking about my new project at work but was spent enjoying the pool and nice weather with my kids.
Food and Exercise Log - 7/31/2008
Weekly Allowance Points: 35
Breakfast: Smart Ones Stuffed Breakfast Sandwich (5 points)
Lunch: Turkey and cheese sandwich (6 points)
Dinner: Double Chocolate Fudge Shake (24 points)
Was it worth 24 points? In way, yes but definitely NO!! I was starved and my mouth was numb from having my fillings done. I couldn't eat anything else. The dentist was the one that suggested a milk shake so I'll blame him -- not myself (lol).
Daily Points Used: 27
Weekly Points Used:8
4:30AM - 2 miles/270 calories/33 minutes walking on treadmill
Laid off – count down to my final day (11 working days to go)!
It was a pretty quick morning, probably because I was busy replying to email. It was another short day for me. I had to go back to the dentisted for a couple fillings (ugh!).