I haven't really looked at the grocery store ad to see if there's anything that I want to pick up this week. We still have enough meat to get us through this week so I may hold off until next week. I'll update this post and move it up, if I end up heading out to the grocery or find some other deals this week. CVS I had 13 ECBs that needed to be used 1/11/09. We headed to the store. Our health & beauty stockpile is just about at capacity so I decided to pick up toilet paper and Aquafresh toothpaste (I had $2 CRT for both of them) and earn a few ECBs back. I haven't been doing too much shopping at CVS lately.
**Those are the wrappers to the Christmas cat toys that my son wanted to get for the kittens...they loved them. Total OOP: $0.15 -- Earned 4 ECB
I purchased my items for the $15 Pepsi/Frito Lay rebate. We're not pop drinkers but it will come in handy when we have guests over or our Memorial Day picnic/pool party. You can read about the Walgreens deals here. I found one package of Lysol Wipes that were Buy 1, Get 1 Free. I tried to find two so I could get 4 tubs for $1.79. If you are heading out to pick up the Lysol Wipes, be sure to look for the Buy1, Get 1 Free packages. Total OOP: $29.08 -- Earned $10 RR and will get $15 in coupons from Pepsi/Frito Lay.
I decided to head out to pick up some items for our stockpile and do our monthly grocery shopping. I didn't get any meat since we are heading out to a butcher on Thursday night (I want to compare prices). Plus there really weren't any "good" deals on meat that I saw.
If you'd like a breakdown, just let me know and I will get my shopping list spreadsheet posted. I did have to get some rain checks. Since I have to take back the lunch meat that I bought, I'll check to see if they have them in stock plus I want to pick up more blueberries for the freezer (they go great in my Blueberry Muffin Frosted Mini Wheats...YUM-YUM).

I don't know why I went here. I had a list and purchased the items from it. It was an awful trip!! But I'm still way under budget for the month so I guess I'll get over it.

The kids wanted to go check out the toys and video games (aka blow a little bit of their money). Plus we had 3 PS2 games to return to game stop and a Wii game that we had to return at Walmart. I grabbed a few coupons before heading out and picked up some free items while I was there.

Rite Aid
Since my youngest son still wears pull ups to bed, I decided to head out and pick up some. Our stock was low - like 2 pull ups left. Plus I had planned to go to Rite Aid last week to get the monitors so I could get the Denise Austin Workout Video.
Here's what I got (one of the Reece's Whips are missing):

great minds think alike. We don't like a lot of pop either but it's a good deal for those superbowl parties.
I am headed there tomorrow for this deal. Hopefully they will have some. Call me used to small town, but I forgot how many more people live here then where we moved from...the stores run out of everything!!!!
Did/are you going to do the Colgate/Palmolive rebate too?
It's pretty bad around here. We have two Walgreens (one on each side of the city) and they sell out FAST! You know my mom had said that the one down in your city usually has pretty good stock on things. They used that store during back to school sales.
Yes - I'll be doing the Colgate/Palmolive rebate. I after to return some lunch meat to Meijer tomorrow (when the kids are at school). I plan to pick up the Softsoap there (for $.30 with coupons), Colgate Total at CVS (BOGO), and then depending on what my total is...either $1.99 Speed Stick from WAGS or Palmolive dish soap.
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