Thursday, November 20, 2008

Things I Love Thursday - Fuze Empower Pomegranate Acai Berry

Wow - it's time for Things I Love Thursday already? Oh my! With not working, I really never now what day of the week it. Anyways... The thing I love this week is Fuze Empower Pomegranate Acai Berry. It's one of their new slenderizing drinks - low carbs and low calories which would normally mean "yuck". It's actually really good. Not only does it taste good but pomegranate and Acai berry is good for your body. It's kind of a win-win situation. It also gives me a break from my water (I'm a water drinker).

To see what others love, visit The Diaper Diaries' Things I Love Thursday.


Jacquelyn Mom blog:Because I Said So! said...

I've seen a lot of hype about the Fuze drinks, but haven't tried one yet. Your recommendation is good enough for me! My father- and mother-in-law eat those berries plain. Yuck! I'd much rather have their goodness in a drink. Thank you for the tip!

Jacquelyn: Because I Said So!

thediaperdiaries said...

That sounds really yummy. I might have to try that out.