Thursday, July 2, 2009

Weigh In Wednesday - 7/1/2009

Well, I weighed in yesterday on my scale. I was down 3.8 pounds. I'm thinking that last week when I told you I didn't have a weight loss on Wednesday but did on Friday that it might have been me reading the scale wrong. I actually didn't count the Friday loss since it wasn't my normal weigh in day. I'm almost to my halfway point on my weight loss goal for the year - yippy!

I had set a goal of losing 56.2 pounds by the end of the year. I was looking at the weight that I currently was and what I'd like to be. However, I'm finding that number may be a little less...well, as of today. I don't want to be skin and bones. I want to be fit, toned and trimmed. As of today, I am able to fit into my size 10 clothes (size 8 bathing suit). It's been more than 5 years since I've been that size. It's great to be able to donate those larger size clothes.

Since returning to work, I haven't really spent as much time with my extended family and some friends. This past weekend we attended an anniversary party. There were people that I hadn't seen in months. I received lots of compliments. I had one friend tell me she didn't recognize me when we got out of the car. She wants my secret. Really, I have no secret. I have been following Weight Watchers and do not keep that a secret. I work out occasionally (sometimes hardly ever) and I have really changed my way of eating. I am probably the healthiest eater in our house. I eat vegetables and fruit that I never imagined eating. There are times I even crave vegetables (if it's possible).

This weekend we will be camping for the 4th of July holiday. We aren't going far but we will be away from home. I have picked up some items that I can enjoy with out regretting it on Monday. I will be taking: grapes, strawberries, blueberries, kiwi, pineapple, apples, lettuce, peppers, onions, mushrooms, baby carrots, chicken, Ball Park Frank Fat Free hot dogs, sandwich thins, ketchup, mustard and these desserts.

I've been working out a lot more than usual and will continue that over the weekend and next week. I will report my Weight Watcher weight loss as soon as I can. I will be going to weigh in on Saturday but will not have internet access to post about it.

How are you doing on your weight loss goals?

Goal 12/31/09 56.2
2009 Weight Loss-to-date -24.8

Weight Watcher Weight Loss (Updated on Saturday)

Goal #4 30
Weight Loss (since 3/11/09)

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