Friday, December 5, 2008

Fat Ticker Friday - 12/5/08

It's the final weigh in for Hot for the Holiday's challenge. I was leery about getting on the scale this morning since I had forgotten to get on it last week, due to Black Friday early morning shopping. I got on though - no change. I was very excited to see this since I haven't exercised in what feels like weeks and I haven't been doing very well with my food choices then there was Thanksgiving dinner in there too.

Hot for the Holiday
started on September 8 - almost 3 months ago. Since that date, I have lost 7 pounds. While I'm glad those 7 pounds are gone, I'm disappointed in my efforts to lose weight. There were times that I let my emotions and stress take over. It's time to open a new chapter in my weight loss journey and really focus on myself and work through the challenges that lie ahead. If I can go from 235 pounds (pre-pregnancy weight with son #1) to 120 pounds (pre-pregnancy weight with son #2), I can get to a weight I am comfortable with and I don't have nearly as much to lose.

I'd like to congratulate everyone that joined the challenge and lost weight! A BIG thanks to Christie O. for hosting the challenge.

What now? Well, I will be getting back to my Weigh In Wednesday's which means I need to get down to business... I don't have a week before I weigh in again.

My goals for this week are:
1. Workout 3 times for at least 30 minutes.
2. Complete week 1 of Couch to 5K (I've joined Emily @ Mommin' It Up and a few others in getting to a 5K!)
3. Eat breakfast everyday! (This helped in the past...I haven't been doing it lately.)
4. Make better food choices.

To see how others did in the final week of Hot for the Holidays, visit Baby Tea Leaves Fat Ticker Finale.


Kandi said...

Okay, so how did you drop the baby weight? I've been trying, but to no avail. Guess it's time to really hit it hard....

mom_of2boys said...

With son #1, I'm not sure what happened. My clothes didn't fit when I came home from the hospital. They were too big. I had lost not only the baby weight but some of my weight. It took 2 years to get down to the 120's. Over the 2 years, I was busy...I worked full time (lots of overtime) and I was always on the go. I did make time for me! I would send an hour or longer at the YMCA.

I wish the weight that I put on with son #2 came off just as easy. Not the case though. I hoped the baby weight with son #2 would be gone before his birthday (5th birthday that is) but three months isn't long enough to lose what I want. Now I'm shooting for my birthday (end of May - beginning of June), just in time for bathing suit season!

I have no motivation to workout...hopefully I can find some between now and then. The cold weather doesn't help either.