Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Weigh In Wednesday - 3/4/09

I am so disappointed! Last week, I reported a gain of .4. This week it's a gain of 3 lbs. I really don't know how I GAINED 3 lbs. I did weigh myself later in the morning (after my dentist appointment). I forgot today was weigh in day. Hopefully that's the "cause" of the weight gain. However, I'm also thinking that a trip to the doctor might be around the corner as well. The only problem - no health insurance and very little income (unemployment). So, I'll finish up the dental work first.

What did I do or didn't do this week? I worked out regularly. We went to the YMCA two days. That's in addition to my treadmill walking. My eating - wasn't bad. I didn't bake any sweets this week. I didn't have my coffee everyday either. I don't know but I'm sure it's an area that could use improvement.

What's my goal this week? Well, I'd really like to lose the 3.4 lbs that I've gained over the past two weeks. However, that's a pretty big amount to lose in one week. It would be more reasonable to say that I'd like to lose 1.4 lbs. If I lose more, great! I will be a little behind on exercise though. I was told to take it easy today. I'm still in a little pain so until I know it's "healed" I won't be hitting the gym or treadmill at full force.

How did you do this week?

Goal 12/31/09 56.2
2009 Weight Loss-to-date 3.4

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey there, this is the 1st time I've visited your website. It's really cute! Good job.
About the weight might try switching up your exercise routine. My sister is losing weight and about a month ago, she stopped, even though she was exercising and eating right. Someone at the YMCA told her the change up her exercise routing and when she did, the pounds started coming off. You might try that.

Nice Blog.