After being out of work for 9.5 months, I will be returning to work. I have mixed emotions about the whole thing. I will be returning to work with full benefits (something I have been without since the beginning of the year), 401K, pension, life insurance and all the perks that come with company that I work for. I will get to be with my old friends or at least those that are still there. I enjoy working and enjoy the money even more. However, I would have really liked to spend the summer with my kids - not stick my kids in daycare for the summer.
Believe it or not, unemployment wasn't that bad even with it being more than 50% less than my paychecks were. The thing is...it wasn't something that would have lasted as long as I needed it to - say about 20 more years!
One problem that I have already ran into is schedule issues. Yes, schedules. By the time I make it home from work, I will have to get the kids changed and right out the door to baseball at least through mid-June. I'm not sure what dinner will be or if we will even have time to eat. My youngest son's games only last an hour but the older one has two hour games/practices. Then shortly after baseball is over we go right into 5 nights of 2 hour football practices. We'll get it worked out though. It will just rough for the first couple of months.
Once I return to work, I'm not sure how often I will be able to update my blog. I will at least continue with my weight loss journey which was my main reason for starting the blog anyways. However, my goal is to keep up with all the usual posts as well.
Best Wishes! It's hard - but rewarding!
Thank you!
Congrats & good luck
Congrats! Good luck w/ the scheduling and don't let it get you down!!
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