Half Price Books is hosting the Feed Your Brain summer reading program again this year. This program runs June 1st – July 31st, 2009 for ages 12 and under.
1. Pick up a Feed your Brain Log at Half Price Books.
2. Your child checks off each day for 5 days that they read more than 15 minutes
3. Fill out the log and have a Parent/Guardian sign off that they read
4. Bring your signed log into Half Price Book
5. Reward: a $3 Half Price Books shopping card
6. Repeat above steps for each week until July 31st.
Note: Limit one per week, per child
1. Pick up a Feed your Brain Log at Half Price Books.
2. Your child checks off each day for 5 days that they read more than 15 minutes
3. Fill out the log and have a Parent/Guardian sign off that they read
4. Bring your signed log into Half Price Book
5. Reward: a $3 Half Price Books shopping card
6. Repeat above steps for each week until July 31st.
Note: Limit one per week, per child
1 comment:
I found this great book for keeping your kids on track over the summer. It's great for building reading comprehension and vocabulary as well as writing skills over summer break.
It's called Summer Daily Brainwork:
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