Have you signed up for Home Depot's Garden Club? It's an easy way to get the latest gardening advice, offers and savings but best of all it's FREE to sign up.
Did you know that you answers to your outdoor questions within 24 hours at www.HomeDepotGardeningClub.com? If you can't find the answer to your question, just ask. You can get valuable information/tips about your region, gardening advice from pros and updates about local gardening events. Along with all that, you even get money saving offers delivered right to your Inbox!
If you want to find out about a DIY project, you can search their database of projects for Gardening, Lawn Care, Landscaping and/or Outdoor Living. I recently searched the database to find out about seeding my lawn. I found all the information I needed - step-by-step guide as well as the tools and materials I would need. You can view other users comments/questions at the bottom of the instructions.
Visit www.HomeDepotGardeningClub.com to join The Home Depot Gardening Club to get exclusive coupons and tips, and DIY advice on on gardening, lawn care, landscaping and outdoor living projects.
To help you get started on your outdoor project, The Home Deport has graciously offered to give away $100 gift card to one of my readers. Cool huh? Now you want to know how to enter?
1. To enter, visit The Home Depot Gardening Club and tell me what kind of project you would use the $100 gift card on if you won it.
2. For an extra entry, do one of the following: Write a blog post on your blog about this giveaway OR tweet about this giveaway. Then come back here and leave a separate comment letting me know about the blog post or tweet.
Limit 2 entries! Don't forget to leave an email address so I can contact you, should you win the gift card. The contest will end on Tuesday, May 12, 2009 at 11:59 PM EST. Winner will be chosen by random.org and notified via email.
I would use it on the DIY - how to plant a tree project! :)
I tweeted it on @EADFL - tweet says "win a $100 gift card to Home Depot - http://bit.ly/8tPe3"
We have a beautiful front porch, I would love to add some patio furniture and flowers.
I'd use it to plant bushes in a raised area. Thanks!
I would love to build the kids table project
I want to make a planter around my tree in the front yard and have it filled with flowers.
Hard choice - I've always wanted an arbor to have flowers growing over, but we're also wanting to begin raised bed gardens and would need supplies for that.
Twitter update @MrsCandace
What I really want to do is start composting - but I know I wouldn't get out and turn a pile manually often enough, so I need to buy one of the composting bins or tumblers to make it happen, I think.
I think I would use this gift card to get some help with my yard's landscaping issues! Thanks for the giveaway!
annashopper at gmail dot com
putting in our landscaping
or the kids table project!
sarina at scualum dot com
I would make a raised garden bed behind a flat flower bed. We just bought a new house, and I know the perfect place to put one down.
I tweeted this giveaway.
Username: simple_fruit
We just talked about added another raised garden bed but this one would be mostly veggies.
I like the garden bed idea. I could do that with a $100 gift card.
I'd love to start improving the curb appeal of my home, and this would give me a start.
Great giveaway! Thanks for the info. I joined the garden club. If I won the GC, I'd use it to buy the materials for the DIY picnic table!!
I'd love to plant some fruit and veggies in the garden!
muddoc_b at hotmail dot com
I would use the $100 GC to lay a garden path and/or to plant some trees.
What an awesome giveaway! Thanks!
roseinthemorning [at] gmail [dot] com
I love the growing a putting green DIY project. I'm sure that's what we'd go for!
roseinthemorning [at] gmail [dot] com
I tweeted about this giveaway:
I would use it to prepare our garden bed and buy plants to start in our very first garden!
K. C.
I would ATTEMPT to build a storage bench to use outside. Attempt is the key word here.
yeloechikee at hotmail dot com
I like the Kids Table Project! That would keep my kiddos busy for hours!
My project would be a garden, always wanted to go all out! Great blog, thanks. macjamin(at)gmail
Thanks for offering this contest. Hope we win.
I would love to get some nice plants for the yard.
If I had the $100 gift card, I would turn that "box of dirt" in our backyard back into a nice vegetable and herb garden...thank you!
summerflood (at) mac.com
I would build a kids table!
I'm going to make the ring toss game. It's such a cute, simple idea that is probably loads of fun.
I would use the gift card to update and refresh my landscaping too.
I would love to add flowers and shrubs to my front yard. It is quite bare and is in need! Thanks so much!
My husband is actually working on a raised strawberry bed and a pond with a fountain right now so we could definitely use the gift card! Thanks so much!
Tweeted your giveaway!
Come enter my giveaway, too!
We would like to have a home garden this year so I would get the materials for that. Thanks for the chance to win!
I would love to be able to do some landscaping. My yard is very plain and flowers are just not in my budget right now. Thanks for the chance to change this. :)
I'd like to buy a composter!
I didn't see this project on the site, but I would use the money to buy wood, paint, etc. to build my 6 year old a fort/tree house this summer. And I would buy a book at HD to show me how. LOL
I twitted about this giveaway @kbmama1
email address sorry forgot on the first comment
We are trying to finish our basement, so we would be buying paint, or plugs, or lights.
I would love to use it on some patio furniture, however the recent storms caused a leak in my roof... so it might work well for repairs as well!
This is a super-cute site!
That kids craft table is so neat! I'm sure my kids would love it if I made it for them. :)
I would let my kids plant whatever garden their hearts desired.
I would use the card for my garden. Maybe I could finally make those raised beds I've been wanting!
sunflowergirl71 at yahoo dot com
THey have a project to create a tellis in the arbor and I would like to try that.
I hope I get this! I just bought a new house and my yard could use the help! I would like to transplant a couple of trees from one corner to the other. (Also build a raised garden where my dogs won't get into). Plant flowers and bushes along my fence line and many many other things!
Thanks for the chance to win!
I would use it to get my hubby a new weed trimmer since his just died! It is a necessity in order to keep our yard looking great! Thanks for the opportunity!
I would buy some flowers, bulbs and bushes for my flower beds.
GREAT GIVEAWAY and thanks so much for the chance. I think that I would use the gc to build the kids table project and/or buy some veggies for the garden. Thanks again!
nandjdonabar AT yahoo DOT com
I would definitely do some landscaping with it!
I would build a herb garden on my balcony.
Thank you!
Tweeted! :) http://twitter.com/antispamgirl/status/1732129762
Thank you!
I would use it to plant a tree
I would love to add beautiful plants to my pond...both inside and around!! Thanks for the chance!!
couponslover2003 at yahoo dot com
I want to build a raised bed in front of my house to grow our own veggies. Would that look weird? It's the only sunny spot...
eastsideoliveoyl at aol dot com
I would use it towards a patio set for the back yard
"Canadian Contests, Freebies, Coupons, Deals, Games and Fun:
Definitely the raised garden beds. We have been talking about it for months upon months but is it happening? No. Gah!!!!
Love it!
ladyshanae at gmail dot com
I would probably install pavers. I have wanted to do that since we bought this house.
I would have my hubby build me the picnic table... ok, we'd do it together:) I love eating outside, but the blanket is getting to small for the 5 of us;)
I would use it to Plant a Tree!
I would put a trellis in front of our house with climbing flowers on it! Thanks for the opportunity to win this! -Jessica
jessicacoon (at) ymail (dot) com
I would love to make some raised garden and flower beds!
Blogged about it here:
i might get a barbeque so i can cook outside this summer
I would like to start an indoor vegetable garden.
I tweeted:
I'd love to make a square foot garden.
I would love some new patio furniture.
I would definetely build a raised bed
dctm at bellsouth dot net
We would use the prize to make our deck area better. I would love for my husband to build a pergula over part of the deck. We need a table that fits our large family for dining outside. And I would love to plant summer blue hydrangeas and lilacs and lavender. Blessings, Stefanie Hartman fhartman@frontiernet.net
tweeted id keepsakebaby
keepsakebabyhttp://myservicetoyou.blogs... Home Depot Gift Card Giveaway at myservicetoyou.blogspot.com
less than 5 seconds ago from web
I think I'd use it to start some container gardens-- veggies and flowers.
Seisel92 @ yahoo(dot)com
i would like to add some pot plants out on my deck and maybe some patio furniture
I tweeted:
I would put grass down on the side of my house or maybe even lava rocks!
I would put in an herb garden off my side yard. I've always wanted to have fresh herbs to cook with.
I would use it to finish up some of the landscaping issues we've been having. There are a few gaping holes in the garden that could use some plant life and maybe some new lighting outside would be great.
I would use it towards a new BBQ. We do so much grilling now it would be nice to have a spiffy grill.
We've been working on clearing an area in our backyard with a creek. I would use the money to build a bricked retaining wall around the creek so that my kids won't be tempted to play in it and get in the thorns and thistles!
I would use it to start a big beautiful garden in my yard.
What a great giveaway.
I have been wanting to turn my outside patio into an outdoor getaway with plants, patio furniture, etc. Home Depot has everything I would need.
I tweeted! http://twitter.com/PainterMommy/status/1748497365
I would use it to build a kid's table. My daughter would love it!
how to plant a tree!
pookielocks at ymail dot com
I would love to Build a Raised Garden Bed!
twinjackienurse at gmail.com
twinjackienurse at gmail.com
I would use the gift card to get new gardening gloves, starter plants to put in my gardening plots, and some gardening tools. Thanks for the great contest!
As much as I would love to build my kids (and the ones that I babysit) a kids outdoor table, I think I would build my parents a raised garden. This year has been tough on them and I know it would save them a little money by putting in a garden for them.
Thanks for the great giveaway!
I have been begging my husband to help me start a garden for over a year now. I have him finally convinced to help me. The gift card would take care of getting my garden started that I have been waiting so long for.
I would use the $100 gift card to buy vegetable plants for my vegetable garden. The season is just beginning here in Michigan.
Build a Serving Cart
Pavers... We need a walkway going from the steps to the pool!
Thanks for offering this contest. Hope we win.
we would use it for out backyard - planing a garden
I would use the GC and the instructions at the Garden Club to build a storage bench that triples as a bench, storage and a planter.
Thanks for the chance to win.
prpldy (at) comcast.net
The Kid's Table project and Flowers, Flowers, Flowers! Hooray for Spring!
I like the article on building a raised bed in the garden... that would be something I'd like to do
I would like to create a raised garden for vegetables and herbs. Other than that, I would choose to create a garden path to our pool.
I would use it to build the storage bench project...what a great, practical idea.
I tweeted. http://twitter.com/jennlivinglife/statuses/1764948272
I think I would either like to build a kids table or a storage bench.
I would make a raised garden bed
throuthehaze at gmail dot com
I would use the DIY tutorial about installing pavers - we have a lot of leftover brick and would love to put in a walkway highlighting the garden to the front of our house. Thanks for the giveaway!
ceevegnashville [at] gmail [dot] com
I would use it to buy a few fruit trees for the backyard.
I would love to use it to finish a small patio off our back stoop:)
I would like to do the Preparing a Garden Bed project. We could use a nice flower garden in our front yard.
talonsmom731 at gmail dot com
I tweeted: http://twitter.com/talonsmom731/status/1766890173
talonsmom731 at gmail dot com
to build a planter!
I would love to use this towards our home garden-we really need to put a mesh-type fence around it to keep the squirrels out.
I tweeted about the giveaway
I would use the gift card to expand my garden area and plant some flowers. I enjoy looking in the yard and seeing the pretty colors. It brightens your day.
I'd love to use the GC towards something like the How to Build a Raised Garden Bed project
tweet! http://twitter.com/speech_hero/status/1767318174
speechforme gmail
I would like to do the raised garden bed project with vegetables.
Email: ian_and_megan@yahoo.com
I'd apply it towards my flower beds...making them all pretty! Thanks for the opportunity!
I would use the gift card to improve the entrance to my garden by replacing my slider with a new french door. Making my backyard more accessible.
I need to spend some money on propping up a decorative tree. I've tried myself. It's not working!
I tweeted about it - username uberabby2.
I'd use it build a raised garden bed.
I think I would build a picnic table. =) Or buy a hammock to lay out on.
I would use it to get all new plants for the outside of our house!
I would use it to "start a lawn". Our lawn is dead and we need to replant it and put in a sprinkler system also
We have a large organtic garden and would love to get more supplies for the garden. Its a community garden and we give away the food. Its also the neighbor hangout ,so alot of people help. Its nice and this would go to plant and feed more
I would try to install new pavers in my backyard. I've been wanting to do it for quite some time and this would give me the perfect opportunity! Thanks for the chance!
I tweeted: http://twitter.com/andilinder/status/1773861408
flower boxes for my porch
I would use it to buy supplies to start a backyard organic vegetable garden with my 3-year-old.
My flower beds are in bad need of redoing. They need edging and some bark, so that's what I would use the gift card on if I won! :)
OUr grass is dying, so I'd use it for new grass. I really want the kids to have a yard to play in, not just dirt!
I would love to do the storage bench. It is so great when they come up with ideas that have duel purpose. I actually a picture of the bench on my refrig as a project to get to someday!!
Sorry I forgot my email
I yard is in great need of some beautification!
I would love to get some patio furniture! We have a gazebo and no furniture to put in it!
It's a tossup between installing new pavers and building raised beds - I'd love to do both, but we'd probably do raised beds as we're trying to grow more of our own produce.
I'd use it to buy flowers and small trees to surround my patio for some privacy and pretty scenery!
I would use it to buy shrubs for my front yard. Thanks.
I would use it to make a raised bed for some more veggies or maybe some winter squash for the fall...
gitrecca at gmail dot com
I would like to start a vegetable garden in our backyard and a $100 would help me get a good start on it. :)
I tweeted!
I'd like to make a raised bed for my herbs and some flowers. I'd also like some shrubs and roses for our front yard.
Here's my Tweet: https://twitter.com/amylou61/status/1776628084
I live in an apartment, so an indoor vegetable garden would be my choice!
We have raw areas all around our fence where there were beds before we moved in. I really wanted to get in there and make them pretty again this year.
I've so been wanting a storage bench in our lanai so that I can hide all the extra stuff that gets put out there. If I won the gift card that is what it would be used for.
We need to totally redesign our landscape!
I would use it to improve our outdoor living space.
I would put in a small raised garden for tomato plants.
I would use it on the DIY How to Build a Raised Garden Bed.
Risingsouth at aol dot com
I would use this toward my vegetable garden! :)
The putting green is calling my name!
I would love to build a square garden-thanks
Very cool. I would probably have to make some crazy pathway around some pond for my wife.
I'd love to start a small vegetable garden with chives, tomatoes, lettuce and mint.
treflea4 at gmail dot com
Raised bed gardening
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