Friday, December 31, 2010
Fitness Magazine - Just $2.99!

Thursday, August 5, 2010
Home Depot Kids Workshop - Saturday, August 7th, 2010
August 7th @ Home Depot – 9am-noon: School bus pencil organizer

September's project will be a Football Display scheduled for September 4th.

Monday, August 2, 2010
Nabisco Free Cookie Coupon - Today Only

Friday, July 30, 2010
Children's Place Coupons

Free Box of Better Oats Oatmeal

Events: Cincinnati Museum Center FREE Fridays TODAY!

September 17
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Home Made Simple Coupon Booklet

The Knack @ Michaels: Free Family Fun Event - Saturday, July 31, 2010

Upcoming Free Family Events:
August 28, 2010 from 10:00am - 2:00pm = Grandparents Day
Capture you baby's handprints in Crayola Model Magic. Ages 3 and up welcome. While supplies last.
The Cheesecake Factory: Half Price Cheesecake Slice - July 30th

Friday, July 23, 2010
In A Slump...
The 1st half of this year has been very stressful to say the least. Some things are getting better while others remain unchanged. I anxiously await the day my co-worker turns in her resignation! She’s been saying for 7 months (at least) that she was moving. That day can’t get here quick enough! I am attempting to find another job since it seems like she’ll be sticking around a while. I think that’s the biggest stressor in my life right now. I’ve gotten myself in a better financial position (even though I didn’t get any of the promotions I was promised – due to management changing 4 times in 4 months).
Nothing seems to be getting me out of this slump. I need help! What motivates you?
Here’s where I stand… I had lost nearly 35 pounds last year (prior to being hit with a LOT of stress). I have since gained that weight back. Last week, I was watching what I ate…not really tracking it and made sure I ate breakfast everyday. I lost 2.0 pounds. There are many more that need to come off but I guess that’s a start. I need to get the motivation to stick with it and to get to exercising again. I have a 5K that I will be running in September and another in November. I really need to get back to running so I can work towards beating the time of my first 5K (November’s race is the same course).
I will be back to report my progress - hopefully weekly.
Kids Eat Free @ IKEA - July 23-25, 2010

Join the Club!

Event: Lowe's Build & Grow Clinic - Saturday, July 24, 2010

Friday, July 2, 2010
Old Navy - $1 Flip Flop Frenzy - Saturday, July 3rd
Home Depot Kids Workshop - Saturday, July 3, 2010

Wednesday, May 26, 2010
TD Bank Summer 2010 Reading Program

TD Bank is offering a $10 banking bonus for kids who participate in the TD Bank Summer Reading Program through September 30, 2010. Kids just need to read 10 books this summer to get a $10 bonus from TD Bank deposited into a new or existing Young Savers Account. Click here for more information and to download your Summer Reading Book Log.
Half Price Books - Feed Your Brain 2010 Summer Reading Program

Barnes & Noble's Summer 2010 Reading Program

3. Children bring their completed journal to a Barnes & Noble store between May 25th & September 7th, 2010.
4. We'll give them a coupon for a FREE book! They choose from a list of exceptional paperback titles.
* * Eligible books will be listed on the coupon. Choices must be made from eligible stock. No special orders. Limit of 1 form per school-age child (grades 1-6), please. Incomplete forms will be ineligible for free books.
Lowe's Build & Grow Clinic - Saturday, May 29, 2010

The Knack @ Michaels - Free Family Event on Saturday, May 29, 2010

Monday, May 17, 2010
Event: Lowe's Build & Grow Clinic - Saturday, May 22, 2010

Monday, May 3, 2010
5K Recap: I did it!

It wasn’t the best of weather. There was a steady rain for most of the morning. Actually, up until the start of 5K the rain stuck around. I was nervous to say the least. I had two friends running with me. We were all going to start together but take off at our own pace once the crowd spread out.
The race started… Within the ½ mile, I had gotten a cramp in my calf and had to walk. It wasn’t a good start but that wasn’t the end of the bad. The 5K flyer had mentioned a flat course but when we turned the corner there was a hill. It was course that you ran out turned around and came back the same route. I knew if I ran down it – I was eventually going to have to run up it but not before having to run up a steeper hill. What happened to the flat course?!?! Flat because it was pavement versus a trail? I walked more than I had planned. My plan, since I hadn’t run since Thanksgiving Day, was to run a couple minutes, walk 1 minute. At times my walks were much longer.
I finished in 39:07 minutes. Not great but I finished which was my goal. My goal is to keep getting quicker and better because my ultimate goal is to run it without walking.
Since the day of the race, I have not run any! It’s sad but right now there are things going on in my life that are way more important. Hopefully within the next couple weeks (or maybe even today), I can take a half an hour and put it towards running so I can get on with my next 5K!
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Giving It Another Try
I have signed up for the next 5K in the area – the Panerathon 5K. All proceeds benefit the Children's Hunger Alliance.

I’m not really out to “win” the race but to finish it. Since this is my first 5K, I don’t want to set a time to beat that’s not realistic for me. I know my time when I run the same distance on my treadmill in the privacy of our garage while watching a good show on television. I don’t see that being the same when I’m nervous, anxious and surrounded by a crowd of people. Plus I haven’t ran since Thanksgiving Day when I was wrapped up the Macy’s Day parade and ran a 5K plus! I plan to get at least 2 runs in prior to Saturday morning *fingers crossed*. I’ll be back to let you know how it goes.
I almost forgot to add that the special bonus of the Panerathon is that my kids will be running as well. They have a special kid’s ¼ mile run prior to the start of the 5K. My kids asked to run which I think is great. I wouldn’t force my kids to run since I’ve always hated running. It’s great that they see the benefits of running and doing it for a great cause.
While I’m on the subject of running, I was asked the other day - why a 5K? For me, it’s quick (and hopefully painless). I think this will be the motivation that I need to get back into my fitness routine. Once I have a race time, I will set out to beat it (yes, I have a competitive drive). I found this article that I thought was interesting too.
Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive - Saturday, May 8, 2010

To help Stamp Out Hunger this year, simply leave a sturdy bag containing non-perishable foods, like canned soup, canned vegetables, pasta, rice or cereal, next to your mailbox prior to the time of regular mail delivery. Food items should be in non-breakable containers, such as boxes and cans. Your letter carrier will pick up the bags and deliver them to your local food bank.
To learn more, visit: HelpStampOutHunger.com. Become a fan on Facebook and Campbell’s Soup Company will make a 1 can donation to Feeding America *up to 1 million cans* in support of the USPS collection efforts.
The more people that help this cause, the more successful we’ll be at Stamping Out Hunger!
Friday, April 16, 2010
Checking In

Along with that, I’ve rejoined Weight Watchers. I think that will help in getting back in shape and taking the weight off. Notice that I did not say “lose weight”… I don’t want to “lose weight” anymore. It’s just like everything else – if you lose it, you usually end up finding it again. I don’t want to find my weight again so I’m going to take it off this time.
Last, I’ve finally got my schedule changed. I will have more free time in the afternoon rather than just go from work to baseball/football practice, home to cook dinner, do laundry and get the kids ready for bed. I’ll have some “extra” time as I see it right now. Sooner or later, it won’t be “extra” time and I’ll be asking for more!
Friday, April 9, 2010
Giveaway: Ringling Brothers Zing Zang Zoom Tickets - Dayton, OH show

Dayton Show dates and times:
*Thursday, April 29th 7:00 pm
*Friday, April 30th 7:00 pm
*Saturday, May 1st 11:00 am, 3:00 pm & 7:00 pm
*Sunday, May 2nd 11:00 am
To enter to win a family 4-pack of tickets to the April 29th opening night: show:
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Lowe's Build & Grow Clinic: Kaleidoscope - Saturday, March 27, 2010

You may want to register for the Mini Baseball Game workshop scheduled for Saturday, April 10, 2010.

Ben & Jerry's Free Cone Day - Today!

Ben & Jerry's is celebrating 31 years of of scooping the chunkiest, funkiest ice cream, frozen yogurt and sorbet! Get a FREE Ice Cream Cone today from 12-8pm. Click here to find a location near you.
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Event: Lowe's Build & Grow Clinic - Saturday, February 27, 2010

Free 8x10 from Walgreens - February 25, 2010
Go here to get started.
Mark Your Calendars - Rita's Free Regular Size Italian Ice on March 20, 2010

Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Giveaway: Ringling Bros. Zing Zang Zoom Tickets

Yes, it’s true! THE circus is coming. Not just any circus but the Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey “ZING ZANG ZOOM”. It’s an awesome experience for you and your family.
Elephants, tigers, acrobats, clowns and more wonder than you can imagine! It’s been a good number of years since I’ve seen the circus. I think the last time we went was when my older son, which is going on 10 years old, was 2 or 3 years old. He almost choked on his hot dog when the cannon went off. It was all good after that though. My youngest son is excited for the circus to come our way. He’s never been but has seen promotions and heard about it. He'll be excited - Mom Central will be sending my family to see the Dayton show in April
Earn a bonus entry by posting this giveaway on your blog, Twitter, Facebook, or other social site. Just remember to come back here and leave the link.
The giveaway will end Friday, February 26 @ 6am. I will pick the winner through random generator. Make sure you leave a way for me to contact you.
You can also purchase tickets at http://www.ticketmaster.com/ and enter the code MOM to get a family 4-pack for only $44, or you can get $4 off any ticket for a Monday - Friday matinee show.
Please note: The winner does have to be able to pick up their tickets at the will call window the night of the show with a valid picture ID.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Littlest Pet Shop "Pets on Parade" @ Walmart - Saturday, February 13, 2010

Home Depot Kids Workshop - Saturday, February 6, 2010
February 6th @ Home Depot – 9am-noon: #20 car display

March's project will be a rain gauge. It's scheduled for March 6th.
Monday, February 1, 2010
Menu Plan - Week of 2/1/2010

I'm not posting it this week but I've also planned my breakfast and lunches for the week. This kids will be eating at school/daycare.
1. BBQ Shredded Pork, Mashed Potatoes, Baked Beans
2. French Onion Burger, homemade potato chips
3. Hearty Chicken and Noodle Casserole
4. Beef tips, rice, broccoli
5. Easy Chicken Enchiladas
6. Mexican Style Rice & Bean Burritos (kids - chicken nuggets, fries and corn)
Super Bowl Sunday will be a finger foods since we will either hosting a party or going to one.
To see other menu plans, visit I'm an Organized Junkie.
Friday, January 29, 2010
Reflection on 2009 Goals

In the first half of the year, I had started working on many of my goals. Eating healthier and exercising were my top focus on the personal side. As far as financial, I was working hard at paying down balances on credit cards while growing my emergency fund. It was pretty balanced. By mid-year, I had fallen off the weight loss bandwagon and my emergency fund was disappearing. I stopped paying “extra” to the credit card companies too. My money was (and still is) being quickly sucked up in daycare coverage as well as gas to get back and forth to work. I went from filling my gas take up 2 a month to filling it up 5-6 times a month. We pretty much stopped dining out unless we have coupons or gift cards, and I’ve continued to use coupons (not as faithfully as I used to but I’m getting back to it) but seem to keep falling behind. I pay out so much in child care and gas each month that it makes me wonder “Is it really worth me working full time?” This is one question I plan to analyze this year. If it is worth it, then it will be back to the drawing board to make more cuts…not sure how that will happen since I’ve pretty much cut back everywhere possible. Stay tuned for the final decision…
As a result of all that, I’ve become very stressed and somewhat of a miserable person. Let me tell you, I am normally not this way. It’s one of many things I plan to change in 2010 even if it means making major changes in my life. Over the past month, I have realized that life is too short to sit around and be miserable. It's time for me to live life to its fullest!