Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Tackle It Tuesday - To Do List

What a day! I tackled my to do list yesterday that's why I'm a day late posting.

On Saturday, we had our garage sale. Most of the stuff was taken to Goodwill immediately following the end of the sale.
However, I had my mother's tables and tubs, boxes for a friend that is moving, and one bag of clothes that I needed to pull out small sizes for a friend. We headed out after dropping son#1 off at school. The house was already cleaned and laundry was done!! Son#2 and I dropped the tables and tubs off at my mother's house. We picked up a few more boxes to drop off to a friend. We dropped them off and head to Rusty Bucket to meet a few of my close ex-coworkers for lunch. It was a great time! While I don't miss work, I do miss a few co-workers. To save on gas, we decided to hit Sam's versus going later in the week as planned. On the way home, we drove pasted a newly listed house to get the agents phone number. We booked a walk thru for Friday evening (hooray a 3 acre property)! Then it was off to the library to drop off books/DVDs that were due back and pick up our reserves. While waiting to head to the school to pick up son#1, I went through the last bag of clothes and pulled out the ones that I will be giving to a friend (for FREE)! I picked up son#1, cooked dinner, headed to son#1's soccer practice, found new recipes for next week while watching soccer practice, filled up my gas tank for $2.95 a gallon and clipped a few coupons while watching Biggest Loser. Then I crashed!

Now that all that is done, I think I'll plan my kid-less grocery trip! To find out what others tackled, visit 5 Minutes for Mom's Tackle It Tuesday.

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