Yes, it’s true! THE circus is coming. Not just any circus but the Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey “ZING ZANG ZOOM”. It’s an awesome experience for you and your family.
Elephants, tigers, acrobats, clowns and more wonder than you can imagine! It’s been a good number of years since I’ve seen the circus. I think the last time we went was when my older son, which is going on 10 years old, was 2 or 3 years old. He almost choked on his hot dog when the cannon went off. It was all good after that though. My youngest son is excited for the circus to come our way. He’s never been but has seen promotions and heard about it. He'll be excited - Mom Central will be sending my family to see the Dayton show in April
Earn a bonus entry by posting this giveaway on your blog, Twitter, Facebook, or other social site. Just remember to come back here and leave the link.
The giveaway will end Friday, February 26 @ 6am. I will pick the winner through random generator. Make sure you leave a way for me to contact you.
You can also purchase tickets at http://www.ticketmaster.com/ and enter the code MOM to get a family 4-pack for only $44, or you can get $4 off any ticket for a Monday - Friday matinee show.
Please note: The winner does have to be able to pick up their tickets at the will call window the night of the show with a valid picture ID.
Super Bowl Sunday will be a finger foods since we will either hosting a party or going to one.
To see other menu plans, visit I'm an Organized Junkie.